We’ve had it drummed into us our whole lives that there are five senses. We all know what these are:
Sight, Hearing
Smell, Taste and Touch...
However, is that the end of the story? No.
There is no firm agreement among neurologists as to the number of senses because of differing definitions of what constitutes a sense. Humans are considered to have at least five additional senses that include: nociception (pain); equilibrioception(balance); proprioception and kinaesthesia (joint motion and acceleration); sense of time; thermoception (temperature differences); and possibly an additional weak magnetoception(direction), and six more if interoceptive senses are also considered.
So that makes for a count of 17, so far.
On top of these, there is also the frequently referred to, but little understood, sixth #sense. It is called the sixth presumably because it is based on the assumption that there are only the five others to start with (rather than 17 or more), and is generally considered to mean extra-sensory perception”.
And thus we arrive at 18 senses.
Bonus Facts:
The traditional “five senses” model (sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste) is credited to Aristotle
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